

来源:合肥银康银屑病医院 日期:2024-04-17

The term for psoriasis during pregnancy is "psoriasis in pregnancy" or "gestational psoriasis". It refers to the occurrence or exacerbation of psoriasis symptoms during pregnancy. This condition affects approximately 1-3% of pregnant women, and while it is not life-threatening, it can cause discomfort and affect a woman's quality of life.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes hormonal changes that can trigger psoriasis or worsen existing symptoms. The immune system also undergoes changes, which can lead to inflammation and skin cell proliferation. Certain medications used for psoriasis treatment may not be safe for use during pregnancy, so management of psoriasis in pregnancy must be carefully selected.

For mild cases, topical treatments such as moisturizers, corticosteroids, and vitamin D analogues may be used. Ultraviolet light therapy, also known as phototherapy, may be an option for more severe cases, but caution must be exercised.

Overall, management of psoriasis during pregnancy requires a careful balance between controlling symptoms and ensuring the safety of the mother and unborn child. Close monitoring and collaboration between healthcare providers is essential for optimal outcomes.
